Access CNY Receives Funding for New Children’s Respite and Mental Wellness Center

Congratulations to Access CNY for receiving funding for a new Children’s Respite and Mental Wellness Center. VIP is proud to be working with you on such an incredible project. 

Speaker Carl Heastie continued his annual statewide tour in Cicero, where he and Assemblyman Al Stirpe announced  $2.5 million in state funds for AccessCNY to expand its outreach services by crating a specialized ‘step-down’ care unit for at-risk children and young  adults with mental and developmental disabilities. This funding builds on last year’s $1.2 million state investment.

“All children and families across New York deserve to have the support they need to thrive, and AccessCNY is stepping in to help”

-Speaker Carl Heastie

The $2.5 million investment will help Access CNY build a new Children’s Respite & Mental Wellness Center with upwards of 10 new step-down beds for at-risk children and young adults. The facility which will accommodate 24 hour planned and crisis respite will also include counseling space, communal areas, outdoor space, and sensory rooms. 


VIP Structures will design and build the project. Conceptual design has begun for the facility which will incorporate a number of sustainable design features that align with NYS climate initiatives. Geothermal heating and cooling, solar power, and energy efficient lighting, to name a few, will not only benefit the environment, but reduce operating costs, leaving funds to be used where they can make the most impact. 

The new facility will align with Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital and St. Joseph’s Health Hospital CPEP’s goals to transfer youth to a new space specialized in step-down care.

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